The Three Gunas of Human Nature.

The Three Gunas of Human Nature.

A human soul is a blend of duty, faith, morals and divinity. The duties that one commits in his life are measured by qualities, otherwise known as Gunas. There are three types of Gunas “Saatvik”, “Rajas”, “Taamas”.
Saatvik” is the supreme and best quality associated with pure and friendly deeds done for humanity with pleasant thoughts of wellbeing.
Rajas” are secondary associated with one’s qualities associated with thoughts which revolve around desire and needs.
Taamsik” are the lowest kind of qualities associated with deeds involving shrewdness, violence, and self centeredness.
As per the ‘Puraans’ and ‘Vedas’; these qualities are judged as per our lifestyle, behavior and the food we consume, which may not necessarily reflect a particular type in today’s world.
These are further described in our posts separately.


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