A friend or your worst enemy!!

A friend or your worst enemy!!

Life gives us chance to choose friends and they influence us in our development. Our emotions depict our thoughts and actions like Mahabharat the epic of truth describes the meaning clearly enough.
Dronachayra’s son Ashwathama befriended Duryodhan and hated pandavas just to please his friend, though they were not his enemies. His emotions were so thoroughly messed up that he tried to kill Arjun twice and even tried to kill his unborn son. The only thing he adapted in life was vengeance and evil thoughts to frame others; he ruined a precious boon of his human life for a evil enemy in the garb of a friend. Thus a small choice of wrong friendship turned around Ashwathama’s whole meaning of existence. Divine has gifted us a boon to choose pals think before you let one enter your life. The one whose impact lead your emotions towards kindness, love and show you the beauty of truth is your real friend if not he is your worst enemy.

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