A Thrilling Moment of Vrindavan – By Shri P.V.Kailashnathan

A Thrilling Moment of Vrindavan – By Shri P.V.Kailashnathan

While performing Vrindavan parikrama for the first time , I was thrilled and excited to be at the Braj Bhumi and exclaimed to my guide that ” Just think that this is the place where Lord Krishna and Radha rani had spent their childhood” . Pat came the angry and irritated reply ” You used the past tense for Radha vallabh – are you blind can’t you see them in every nook corner , tree , The Yamuna and on the streets of Vrindavan” . It took me time to realise that for some Radha Krishna may be historical entities , but for the residents of Braj -they are ever present deities. Jai Jai Sri Rade , Jai Vrindavan.